
We thank you for investing in our world-class library by contributing to the Durham Library Foundation. Every gift to DLF helps the library stay relevant, vibrant, and enjoyed by all. Annual gifts of $1,000+ help close the gap between county funding and the needs and aspirations of our library. Contributions pay for big events such as Library Fest and regional specific projects like take-home literacy and science materials. A Durham Library Foundation grant funded “tech kits” at Bragtown, including computers and hot spots for use by economically challenged areas of our community.

In the past four years, DLF has granted $541,202 for 37 library programs that otherwise wouldn’t be possible. An additional $1.2 million from DLF upgraded furniture and equipment for Main Library. We’re particularly proud of the fact that funding from DLF shortens the wait times on materials that are in demand! See our Impact page for more examples.

You can complete your transaction below or download this form and return it by mail. Online gifts are processed via Stripe and PayPal.

If you need assistance or have questions, you can email Durham Library Tax ID - 56-2189129

Public libraries are essential builders of knowledge and of community. I support DLF to help ensure that Durham County Library can continue to be a model for doing both – building knowledge and community, at the highest level.

Elizabeth Gustafson
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